Events - Month View
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location, fees and any rules regarding attendance; you can also register for events from this screen.
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Meet up at Corner of Union Street and Prospect Park West
Walk for 1 hour in or around Prospect Park. Meet at corner of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park West at 8:30 a.m.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
New group that will meet weekly to read, analyze and discuss Shakespeare plays. Please join if you love Shakespeare! (This group has a maximum of 25 members. There are 5 openings now)
Zoom Meeting ID information will be sent to registrants.
This is a book club for those interested in reading and discussing the best fiction from the 20th and 19th centuries for enjoyment with an emphasis on readability, writing style, plot and, perhaps, parallels with our contemporary experience. Our book for this month is The Land of Spices by Kate O‘Brien. This group has 3 openings.
Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or phone
This meeting will be on Zoom. The meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
For members who have a deep love of art and are seeking an in-depth art experience to share with others
This meeting with be on Zoom. Information will be sent to registrants.
This is an intermediate French conversation group. We meet biweekly, correct each other and leave it unstructured so we can have spontaneous free flowing intermediate French conversations
No Limit Poker in the age of quarantine.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
Location changes
Bridge game for those experienced at the game. Not for beginners
Exact address in confirmation email 6th Ave at 5th St
Join with other GNPS members for a beer or 2 at a new or old favorite beer watering hole
Please contact Andi at if you are interested
Committee Mtg for Activities, Presentations and Events. New members welcome!
Location will be sent to registrants.
This group is for those who have had some past experience with knitting or crocheting, and want to work with others for support and fun.
Meeting at central location on PPW. Contact Carol for exact location
Explore Prospect Park while getting outdoor exercise with other Good Neighbor members
This group will meet on ZOOM. The Meeting ID number will be sent to members.
Join us for a French discussion group. We will meet every two weeks.
Meeting for those interested in being in a Caregivers Support Group
Balance class for everyone. Choose the level you are comfortable with
This meeting is on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Zoom link information will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Come join us for casual conversation. Discussion group on topics chosen by the group.
Meet up at Corner of Union Street and Prospect Park West
Walk for 1 hour in or around Prospect Park. Meet at corner of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park West at 8:30 a.m.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
New group that will meet weekly to read, analyze and discuss Shakespeare plays. Please join if you love Shakespeare! (This group has a maximum of 25 members. There are 5 openings now)
If in person, location will be sent by Donna Amelkin, contact person. Otherwise meeting is on zoom.
Do you enjoy historical fiction novels? If you do, this is the book club for you! Group will sometimes be in person, at other times on Zoom. In-person locations will be sent by Donna Amelkin, contact person. Our next book will be The Marriage Portrait by Maggie O‘Farrell.. (This group has 3 openings.)
reflections after listening to that morning‘s BBC News Hour or Democracy Now!
Come join us for an afternoon discussion in Spanish. Conversational Spanish is required.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Zoom information will be sent to group members.
This is a group for people who love reading classical fiction. We will be reading A Room With A View by EM Forster This group has a maximum of 10 members, and now has 3 openings.
Zoom meeting details will be sent in confirmation email.
Monthly Meeting of GNPS Climate Change Interest Group
This meeting will be on Zoom. Zoom information will be sent to all registrants.
Join this group if you love mystery and spy novels. We meet once a month. Book this month: Everyone On This Train Is A Suspect by Benjamin Stevenson.
Maya Kornberg, author of Inside Congressional Committees will speak on how Congress works and how to make it better.
Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or phone
No Limit Poker in the age of quarantine.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
Location changes
Bridge game for those experienced at the game. Not for beginners
Discussion group about dealing with problems of aging
This meeting will be on Zoom. Zoom information will be sent to registrants.
Join us for a discussion of literature, led by nineteenth-century literature aficionado and teacher, and GNPS member, Deb Maltby. This month we are reading Clayhangar by Arnold Bennett. This group has no openings.
Meeting at central location on PPW. Contact Carol for exact location
Explore Prospect Park while getting outdoor exercise with other Good Neighbor members
Location sent to registrants.
This group is for those who have had some past experience with knitting or crocheting, and want to work with others for support and fun. The group will meet on the 2nd Thursday of the month on Zoom.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
5th Ave/10th St
Join us for in-person Pinochle. All levels welcome. Beginners welcome.
Exact address in confirmation email. Industry City at 34th St
Join with other GNPS members for a beer or 2 at a new or old favorite beer watering hole
Central Library at Grand Army Plaza. Details in confirmation email
Spanish class for beginners!
Meeting for those interested in being in a Caregivers Support Group
Balance class for everyone. Choose the level you are comfortable with
This meeting is on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Come join us for casual conversation. Discussion group on topics chosen by the group.
Meet up at Corner of Union Street and Prospect Park West
Walk for 1 hour in or around Prospect Park. Meet at corner of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park West at 8:30 a.m.
This is an ongoing group, meeting once a month. This month‘s book is Wayward by Dana Spiotta. This group is full.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
New group that will meet weekly to read, analyze and discuss Shakespeare plays. Please join if you love Shakespeare! (This group has a maximum of 25 members. There are 5 openings now)
Meeting for people with vision impairment.
reflections after listening to that morning‘s BBC News Hour or Democracy Now!
Come join us for an afternoon discussion in Spanish. Conversational Spanish is required.
Tips and exercises to prevent falls
Adult Fitness Area between Harmony Playground and the 9th St entrance to the park
Please join us for demonstration and instructions on the use of the new fitness equipment installed next to the 9th St Playground
Monthly zoom meeting to discuss books and articles related to climate change.
Zoom Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
This is a monthly book group for those who would like to read Contemporary Fiction. This month we are reading ”Erasure” by Percival Everett. (This group has a maximum of 10 members and currently has zero openings).
This meeting will be on Zoom. The meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
For members who have a deep love of art and are seeking an in-depth art experience to share with others
Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or phone
This meeting with be on Zoom. Information will be sent to registrants.
This is an intermediate French conversation group. We meet biweekly, correct each other and leave it unstructured so we can have spontaneous free flowing intermediate French conversations
No Limit Poker in the age of quarantine.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
Location changes
Bridge game for those experienced at the game. Not for beginners
Address will be sent to registrants.
Join this group that welcomes left-handed craftspeople as well as others. Meets every two weeks in person. This group has a maximum of 8 members; there are 2 openings now.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
5th Ave/10th St
Join us for in-person Canasta. All levels welcome. Beginners welcome.
Guided Tour focused on The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago
from your computer, tablet (iPad) or Smart phone
Come to a meeting to discuss what issues GNPS should advocate for. Bring your own ideas and come to hear what others think. Together we will make decisions and plan for future actions.
3rd St at 7th Ave. Exact address in confirmation email
A music jam featuring blues and roots music
Group meeting place will be sent to registrants.
Walk in Prospect Park with Linda Ewing, experienced bird walk leader.
Orientation for new members or a refresher for old members - ins and outs of GNPS organization
Location will be sent to registrants.
This group is for those who have had some past experience with knitting or crocheting, and want to work with others for support and fun.
Meeting at central location on PPW. Contact Carol for exact location
Explore Prospect Park while getting outdoor exercise with other Good Neighbor members
Adult Fitness Area between Harmony Playground and the 9th St entrance to the park
Please join us for demonstration and instructions on the use of the new fitness equipment installed next to the 9th St Playground
Exact address in confirmation email. Bergen and Smith St
Join with other GNPS members for a beer or 2 at a new or old favorite beer watering hole
This group will meet on ZOOM. The Meeting ID number will be sent to members.
Join us for a French discussion group. We will meet every two weeks.
Meeting for those interested in being in a Caregivers Support Group
Balance class for everyone. Choose the level you are comfortable with
This meeting is on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Zoom link information will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Come join us for casual conversation. Discussion group on topics chosen by the group.
Prospect Park Quaker Cemetery
Come enjoy the serenity and beauty of the Quaker Cemetery in Prospect Park with other GNPS members. Not a tour.
Location sent to registrants.
Come and view the lovely art of GNPS artists in the windows of the former Rite Aid Pharmacy on 7th Avenue and 5th Street, until November 15th. Reception on 9/21/24, registration very limited due to space.
Meet up at Corner of Union Street and Prospect Park West
Walk for 1 hour in or around Prospect Park. Meet at corner of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park West at 8:30 a.m.
This is an ongoing group, meeting once a month, to read and discuss CONTEMPORARY FICTION. This month the group will discuss Ali Smith‘s How To Be Both.
This group is full.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
New group that will meet weekly to read, analyze and discuss Shakespeare plays. Please join if you love Shakespeare! (This group has a maximum of 25 members. There are 5 openings now)
reflections after listening to that morning‘s BBC News Hour or Democracy Now!
Kevin Baker will talk about his book The New York Game: Baseball and the Rise of a New City
Adult Fitness Area between Harmony Playground and the 9th St entrance to the park
Please join us for demonstration and instructions on the use of the new fitness equipment installed next to the 9th St Playground
Learn about tutoring opportunities with Reading Partners in NYC public schools
Zoom meeting from your computer, tablet or phone
No Limit Poker in the age of quarantine.
Location information will be sent to registrants.
A small group of members who would like to meet on a regular basis to offer critique, support and feedback for artwork created by group members. This group has a maximum of 10 members.
Exact Address in confirmation email after you register.
Location changes
Bridge game for those experienced at the game. Not for beginners
Discussion group about dealing with problems of aging
Exact Address in confirmation letter after you register.
5th Ave/10th St
Join us for in-person Scrabble. All levels welcome.
Guided Tour of the Harbor Defense in the active army base, Fort Hamilton in Brooklyn.
Guided Tour focused on The Dinner Party by Judy Chicago
Central Library at 10 Grand Army Plaza
Gather at the main branch of the Brooklyn Public Library for coffee and conversation.
Meeting at central location on PPW. Contact Carol for exact location
Explore Prospect Park while getting outdoor exercise with other Good Neighbor members
Adult Fitness Area between Harmony Playground and the 9th St entrance to the park
Please join us for demonstration and instructions on the use of the new fitness equipment installed next to the 9th St Playground
Exact address in confirmation email. Prospect Ave/Reeve Pl
Join with other GNPS members for a beer or 2 at a new or old favorite beer watering hole
Exact address in confirmation email 8th Ave/12th St
Meet up of Grandparents for coffee and sharing.
Dealing with problems of aging
Balance class for everyone. Choose the level you are comfortable with
This meeting is on Zoom. The Zoom Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
Do you have too much stuff? Need help deciding what to do with it? Join with others who have the same problem, and help each other!
Come join us for casual conversation. Discussion group on topics chosen by the group.
Exact meeting location in confirmation email Holy Name Church on PPW
Join with other GNPS members to view the quilt show.
Meet up at Corner of Union Street and Prospect Park West
Walk for 1 hour in or around Prospect Park. Meet at corner of Grand Army Plaza and Prospect Park West at 8:30 a.m.
Exact meeting location will be sent to you. Near D/N/R subway station at 36th and 4th Ave
Learn about the diversity and history of Sunset Park. 2 hour walking tour.
This meeting is on Zoom. The Meeting ID will be sent to registrants.
New group that will meet weekly to read, analyze and discuss Shakespeare plays. Please join if you love Shakespeare! (This group has a maximum of 25 members. There are 5 openings now)
reflections after listening to that morning‘s BBC News Hour or Democracy Now!