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Myths and Facts about Hearing Loss
About this event
Myths and Facts about Hearing Loss
Wednesday, November 8 at 10:00am on Zoom
Guest Speaker: Dr Kathleen Wallace from
Anywhere Audiology
Informational presentation on dealing with hearing loss.
5 ways to better hearing
Dr. Kathleen Wallace is a licensed audiologist and hearing aid dispenser in New York State. Kathleen completed her undergraduate degree at Dartmouth College and her Doctor of Audiology (Au.D.) at the CUNY Graduate Center, where she currently serves as an adjunct professor.
For more information on Anywhere Audiology:
Click here to download brochure: Anywhere Audiology Brochure 2023
This event is free and open to the public, but you must register to receive the zoom link.
If you have questions for the guest speaker, you can submit when you register or email them to at anytime.
Good Neighbors of Park Slope does not advertise, endorse or promote private businesses, however we may have presentations on services
that could be beneficial to our community that you may not be aware.
Event Contact(s)
Andi Peretz
Registration Info
Registration is required
This is a zoom presentation. If you need help with zoom please let us know before the presentation.
Cancellation Policy:
Please respect your host, as well as the other GNPS members who have registered, by cancelling your registration if your plans change and you cannot attend.
Thank you.
40 Total Slots
15 Available Slot(s)