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HomeAdvocacy - Streets and vehicles forum


The purpose of the forum, “Sidewalks are for Pedestrians, “was to start a conversaton among stakeholders about the increased presence of micromobility, (both motorized and conventional vehicles), on Park Slope sidewalks, that has created dangerous conditions for pedestrians. Our hope was that the forum would bring about a cooperative effort to find solutions for pedestrian sidewalk safety and ways of enforcing existing regulations and laws.

Participants at this Zoom forum included representatives from the following organizations: Park Slope Parents, Park Slope Civic Council, Center for Successful Aging, 5th Avenue BID, Los Deliveristas Unidos, Safer Grand Army Plaza, and NY Presbyterian Brooklyn Methodist Hospital. The representatives shared their observations about navigating neighborhood sidewalks. The major themes that emerged from their contributions were: the proliferation of micromobility, older adults being hit by e-bikes, lack of corporate and local businesses taking responsibility in maintaining their sidewalks, truck deliveries of food and materials that are double parked forcing bikes and e-bikes on to sidewalks, delivery apps requiring workers to deliver in a short time frame sometimes to unfamiliar distant areas, lack of education of bikers and e-bikers about rules of the road and a lack of law enforcement.

Some of the solutions proposed were: more protected bike lanes, supporting state and local legislation that regulates delivery apps, education about how delivery apps function, education about pedestrian rights to navigate sidewalks without fear of being hit by a vehicle, looking into the possibility of developing non-profit delivery apps, licensing bikes, and paid parking spaces for residents. Additionally it was suggested that all bikers [conventional or motorized] received education about their need to participate in street safety programs perhaps through a public service announcement.
Next steps include formulating a proposal that we will take to our elected leaders.

Sarah Benesch, Chair Pedestrian Rights Committee
Iris Lipner, Advocacy Committee Chair

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