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❤️Words of Appreciation from Our Members❤️

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The zoom meetings have been wonderful for me - Shakespeare, two book clubs, the art discussion group -- couldn’t ask for a better way to make new friends enjoying similar interests! Thanks for making this all possible!

Roz Kochman

October 2023

I am a member of Good Neighbors of Park Slope in order to have some connection with others living in or surrounding locations. 

Arlene Leitner  

October 2023

I joined GNPS in Nov., 2022 after hearing about it from various friends. When I examined the offerings, I noticed that there was a French conversation group. That was immediately interesting to me, because I longed to have some regular opportunities to maintain my French. I was happily welcomed into the group as its only newcomer and it has become an important part of “ma vie”. I look forward to its arrival every 2 weeks, and the group seems happy with my contribution! I’ve been inviting my French friends (in France!) to join us in our Zoom conversations, and it has been a joy to get to see them in this context, knowing that members of the group are enjoying meeting them and speaking with them. We all want to feel useful as we “age.”

I also have been to 2 luncheons, which is a big step for me, going to lunch with complete strangers. Although these luncheons attract different participants every time, still it’s nice to spend time with “like minded” people and enjoy good local food.  

Martha Siegel

October 2023

Just being a member of something called GOOD NEIGHBORS is a pleasure. Over these many years I have made new friends. And most of all, my weekly bridge games, both in person and now online, are an important part of my life.

The staff of GNPS are doing a great job. 

Bernard Kleinman

October 2023

I’m generally not a joiner, so I didn't rush to join GNPS, even though my wife had joined and was becoming increasingly active. I am very glad I joined, as GNPS has helped to fill my often empty post-retirement calendar.  

More importantly, events like Beers in Brooklyn have helped to meet peers at the same stage of life with interesting stories and histories (and sample some very good craft beers). It has given me the impetus to get out of the house and tour interesting sites, like the Navy Yard and Little Island Park, that I kept saying I wanted to see, but somehow couldn't manage to put in my calendar. The Historical Fiction book club has helped me avoid falling into a reading rut, always reading the same genre because I know I can escape with it. The books are some I wouldn't have necessarily thought to have read, but they and the discussions that followed have been interesting and thought provoking. 

Anyone who needs a little bit of structure to get moving or to get out of a self-created rut could benefit from the activities in the GNPS portfolio. 

Marc Korashan

October 2023

I joined Good Neighbors after two of my close friends passed away. I felt lonely and isolated.  After joining Good Neighbors, I began to feel less lonely. Nowadays whenever I leave my apartment and walk in the neighborhood, I often stop and talk to several people. How warm and wonderful that feels. I love it, it gives me a feeling that I really belong here. That's what GNPS is all about. It provides a feeling of community and friendship.  

I've enjoyed the various informative zoom sessions and activities that the organization offers.

We are so lucky to have such an organization right here in Park Slope. 

Cipora Blitz

October 2023

GNPS has opened up a world of new friends, connected me back to old friends, and shown me new ways to focus my energies. I have enjoyed outings such as private tours of Egyptian Art (at the Brooklyn Museum) and the Navy Yard. I have also been happy to find a Climate Change group to pursue doing things that will have an impact on climate. An old friend who is a member of that group has introduced me to a new organization -- Third Act -- which is bringing great lawsuits which I may be able to help with, since I am a retired lawyer. I am so happy I joined. I just wish I had more time to participate in the Shakespeare and Canasta groups. Hopefully someday! 

-- Susan Kassapian

October 2023

When my 90-year-old husband was hospitalized with pneumonia about a year ago, he spent a week flat on his back at Methodist and three weeks in rehab learning how to walk again from scratch. It completely wiped him out, and wore me to a frazzle as I took over the bulk of his care. One member of my GNPS knitting group was a particular source of encouragement and advice. As a retired doctor and caretaker of her late husband, she saw exactly what I was going through from every angle, and foresaw everything that lay ahead. Her support, help and wisdom made a major difference in that difficult time. Happily, he eventually recovered.

As we age, we face many crises, but with the benefit of a network like GNPS, we don’t face them alone.

 – Louise Spain

October 2023

I retired twelve years ago. Once I was in the neighborhood all the time, I began to notice how many older people there were. But we all seemed to be alone, none of us meeting each other's gaze on the street, as if we were invisible. Being a member of GNPS has made me feel connected and seen. And I can extend that sense of visibility and connection to others I see. It's wonderful and empowering.

Two groups have been extraordinary for me: the topics-in-aging discussion group led by Grace Wilner, and the Spanish-for-beginners group led by Sharon Montoya. I am so grateful to be part of Good Neighbors of Park Slope. 

-- Margaret Benton

October 2023

I joined GNPS right after retiring in 2016 so the timing couldn’t have been better. Contemporary Fiction I was my first experience and right away I felt at home. The members were smart, funny, well-read, and kind. This book group still exists with two of the original members and several newer ones. We meet in each other’s homes, gardens, and rooftops and sometimes have dinner together after. Choosing books is the hard part. We still haven’t managed to work out an ironclad system. But we always manage to make choices that result in deep and engaging discussions. The company is just as wonderful.

For five years, I taught the French conversation group, but stopped to work on a book. Mes étudiants me manquent. And I’ve been involved with the Advocacy Committee for several years working on pedestrian safety.

I also have to mention the lightning speed pivot to online activities during lockdown that was nothing short of miraculous. What would we have done without that technical tour de force?

GNPS epitomizes community in much the same way the Park Slope Food Coop does. How fortunate to have two institutions in our neighborhood that value collaboration, compassion, friendship, physical health, mental health, and intellectual heft. I often run into GNPS members when talking a walk, a feature of this community I deeply appreciate.

Thank you: Joyce, Iris, Lynne, Linda, Judith, Andi and current board members for this amazing gift. I couldn’t be more grateful. 

Sarah Benesch

October 2023

I am indebted to GNPS. Although my work schedule precludes attending the many interesting activities available, the current events group is a highlight of the week. It is a pleasure to discuss and commiserate about the news with intelligent, knowledgeable, and affable people. I have enjoyed the zoom lectures presented, and the few in-person events I’ve been to, such as the spring party.

I am grateful that the social activism committee keeps us informed of important causes.

Good Neighbors fulfills the concept of aging in place. Thank you to the board for the effort that the organization requires. 

-- Carol Sanjour

October 2023

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