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HomeEventsLet's Do This Together: New Wing of the Museum of Nat'l History

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Let's Do This Together: New Wing of the Museum of Nat'l History

About this event

Let's Do This Together
Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 1:30PM
American Museum of Natural History
Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education and Innovation 

The new wing of the Museum of Natural History is exciting for both architecture buffs and entomology fans.  The museum does not provide guides for this section, but it is small enough that we can see everything and spend time in the Insectorium (not too many bugs) and the Butterfly Conservancy within 1 1/2 hours. 

Three considerations:

1.  Including walking time to the subway and home, and walking in the museum, we'll cover at least two miles.

2.  For New York residents, the museum is free but the Butterfly Conservancy costs $24 and must be reserved in advance through the museum website:

3.  There seems not to be a coat check‑‑so wear your warmest but lightest coat.

This is the kind of place that renews one's pride in New York!

To read more about the new Gilder Center click here:
From the top of the staircase in the Kenneth C. Griffin Exploration Atrium of the Richard Gilder Center for Science, Education, and Innovation, visitors can take in the full scope of the five-story Griffin Atrium, including spectacular views of the third-floor bridge, apertures throughout, the Susan and Peter J. Solomon Family Insectarium on the first floor, and the Davis Family Butterfly Vivarium on the second level. The staircase is designed with deep treads and high risers on one side, allowing visitors to gather for rest and conversation and providing seating for programs.

Date and Time

Wednesday, February 12, 2025, 1:30 PM


American Museum of Natural History
415 Columbus Ave at 79th St
Brooklyn, NY  

Event Contact(s)

Linda P Brown


Fun/Social Event

Registration Info

Registration is closed - Event is full
Registration cancellations will be accepted until Wednesday, February 12, 2025 at 1:30 PM
Cancellation Policy:
Please respect your host, as well as the other GNPS members who have registered, by cancelling your registration if your plans change and you cannot attend.
Thank you.


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