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This is a list of interest categories and the interests within each category. Click on an interest to learn more about that item. If you are logged in, you will also see the members who have declared that interest, with a link to their member directory entry. Click the "More Info" link info to view additional information about the interest group.

Advocacy Activities

GNPS Advocacy Issues are issues that Good Neighbors has decided are important to our mission and where we feel we can make a difference. Please add your name to any of these ADVOCACY ISSUE GROUPS that interest you. The coordinator will send further information about activities and the time of the next meeting.
4 Members
The proliferation of bikes and e-bikes that often ride on sidewalks, do not obey traffic signals, ride the wrong way, has endangered pedestrians, especially older pedestrians. This group works to find solutions through legislation, education, community outreach, petitions, and so forth.
Coordinator:  lenore arons
122 Members
This group is for members who want to educate themselves about the scientific, political, and economic issues involved in climate change. Together we can learn about actions we may take to preserve a livable climate. Members of this group will receive emails notifying them of upcoming meetings.
Coordinator: Joanne Boger
2 Members
This group arranges presentations on topics relating to the end of life and related advocacy issues. Members discuss legislation that might be effective in dealing with these issues.
Coordinator:  Nancy Richardson
229 Members
Add your name to this list if you are interested in receiving information from other members about Social Activism Events happening in our area. You will be sent emails about these events which will include information about the member to contact for more information, and/or to join the event. To send an email to others on this list please email, and it will be sent out for you.
Coordinator: Suzanne Nicoletti
31 Members
Join our team to help spread the word about Senior Citizen Rent Increase Exemption (SCRIE).
Coordinator: Lynne Ornstein
20 Members
Join this group if you'd like to learn more about reverse mortgages for coop owners. We'll keep you informed about the status of the NYS legislation and invite you to a meeting to discuss how we can influence the legislation to strengthen protections for coop owners.
Coordinator:  Irene Talbott
61 Members
please add your name to the email list (click on arrow below), to be notified when we schedule talks. If you would like to be on the committee to help schedule events, please contact the coordinator
Coordinator: Andi Peretz

Support Groups

46 Members
A small, informal group of care givers meet on a regular basis to share experiences, information and feelings about their situations. For more information or to join a group or create a group, please contact the coordinator, please contact us.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
79 Members
Need help and motivation to tackle the clutter in your home? Many of our members have found our clutter support groups to be helpful. If you are interested in starting a group, please let us know. If you are interested in being in a group, please add your name to the list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
23 Members
This is a group for those experiencing vision problems who are interested in sharing their expertise and seeking information and help. Check calendar for meetings
Coordinator: Andi Peretz

Informational Lectures and Series

Please add your name to the categories that you are interested in. We will notify you first when activities are scheduled.
254 Members
Please add your name to this group to be notified first when we have scheduled health related talks. If you have topics you would like to see presented, please contact andi with your suggestions.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
352 Members
If you would like to speak to Good Neighbors on any topic, please contact the coordinator of this group. To be notified about upcoming talks, please add your name to this list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz

Activities - Active

This is a list of activities and groups that have formed and are active. If you are interested in any of these groups, please click on the arrow and sign up. This will make sure you are on the mailing list and receive advance notice of this group's activities. If you have questions or suggestions, please notify
143 Members
Small group discussion about problems of aging, sharing ideas about dealing with changes in our lives and discussing practical solutions to problems, caregiving and self-help. This is not a therapy group as there will be neither interpretations nor delving into intrapsychic issues. You can register on the calendar for groups. Please add your name to the list to be on the email list for this topic.
Coordinator: Iris Lipner
256 Members
This group will select a specific exhibit or artist and discuss. Please add your name to this interest group to be on our mailing list and receive updates. Please check the calendar to join the "Art Museum and Gallery Lovers" Group that meets every two weeks.
71 Members
Please add you name to the list and you will be contacted to attend organizational meetings to plan a GNPS art show. Artists and non-artists needed for this planning committee.
Coordinator:  David Sandgrund
82 Members
Please add your name to this list if you are interested in showing your work at a GNPS Art Show. You will be contacted by the art show committee.
Coordinator:  David Sandgrund
109 Members
Join us as we check out the breweries and beer bars in Brooklyn. Love of beer helpful but not required
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
180 Members
Please add your name to this email list if you are interested in Bird Watching. We will email you the schedule for expert led bird walks in Prospect Park during the Spring and Fall migration season. There is a GNPS birding google group which you can join by emailing the birding interest contact person. The google group can be used to share a birding story or to find another birding person to go out looking for birds on your own
Coordinator: Suzanne Nicoletti
238 Members
We currently have several on-going book clubs. Please check the calendar to see if there are any openings in the club that matches your interest. If you have any questions, contact that group's contact person for more information. If you would like to help start a new group, please let us know.
Coordinator:  David Sandgrund
73 Members
If you are interested in LEARNING to play bridge, please click on the arrow and add your name to the mailing list. You will be notified when classes will begin. If you are interested in teaching bridge or know someone who may be interested, please let us know.
Coordinator:  Mary Beth Carroll
47 Members
If you know how to play and would like to get together with others for a regular game, please click on the arrow and add your name to the mailing list. You will be notified when games are scheduled. If you are interested in hosting, please let us know.
Coordinator:  Mary Beth Carroll
28 Members
Come learn how to make giant bubbles to amaze your grandchildren and friends. Please add your name to the list to be notified when these workshops are scheduled
Coordinator: Lynne Ornstein
21 Members
Please add your name here if you are interested in being on our mailing list for our events and gatherings.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
60 Members
Are you interested in learning or playing canasta? Please click on the arrow to the right to add your name to the email list and we will be in touch. We currently have no in person games scheduled, but if you are intested in hosting, contact Andi
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
65 Members
If you are interested in a French conversation group add your name to this list and you will be contacted if there is an opening in a group. If groups are full, let us know if you would like to help start a new group.
Coordinator:  Linda S Nagel
7 Members
This is the email list for a new group we are hoping to start soon. Please add your name if you are interested in joining us.
Coordinator:  Richard Alba
81 Members
Join us for our discussions in Spanish as we practice our language skills. Add your name to our list to be notified first if we set up new conversation groups.
Coordinator:  Ellen Heaphy Rios
106 Members
If you'd be interested in cooking or baking classes please add your name to this email list. If you'd like to lead or demonstrate a class, please contact Andi.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
107 Members
Join us for discussions on various current events. Please check calendar for schedule and topics. Be sure to add your name to this email list to be notified of groups and topics.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
263 Members
If you are interested in joining a small group of other GNPS members for a quiet breakfast/lunch/dinner/happy hours in Park Slope, sign up here and you will be the first to be notified when outings are planned. We'll usually plan at locations along Fifth and Seventh Avenues with a few surprise locations in between. Check the calendar and the What's Happening box on the Home Page to see what is scheduled and sign up thru the calendar if you can join us!
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
65 Members
Group to learn about and share ideas about searching for family history.
Coordinator: Carol Jeffery
83 Members
Our current folk singing group is usually full, but check the calendar to see if there are any available slots. Group meets monthly. Click on the arrow to the right to be put on mailing list for announcements.
Coordinator: Sandy Haber
94 Members
GNPS Garden Club activities will be determined by its members but among the ideas we've considered are: information on basic gardening techniques; visits to members gardens; tips on growing herbs and vegetables; trips to shows and public gardens; and such craft projects as garden stepping stones. We look forward to your ideas. Please add your name to this list to be notified of updates.
Coordinator: ruth gastel
16 Members
If you are interested in the librettos of Gilbert and Sullivan and would like to discuss/read/watch with others, add your name to this list and you will be notified when we meet.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
180 Members
Please add your name to this list of people interested in History and Politics and you will be notified when when we schedule new discussion groups or guest speakers on these topics. If you are interested in starting a group, please contact andi.gnps@gmail with your ideas
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
80 Members
These groups are for people who have some experience knitting/crocheting and would like to enjoy this activity with others. Members help each other to improve skills. There may be spots open in the existing Knitting/Crochet groups or you may want to start a new group. Please add you name to this mailing list.
Coordinator:  Wendy Aibel-weiss
145 Members
Looking for a way to deal with life's stress? Have you tried meditation? Please add your name to the email list if you would like to be kept up-to-date with our meditation groups schedules.
Coordinator:  Trudie C Pass
252 Members
Looking for people to go to the movies with? Looking for a movie discussion group? Add your name to our email list and you will be notified when events are scheduled. If you are interested in starting a group, please let us know.
Coordinator:  David Sandgrund
105 Members
We are looking to create an email list of people interested in going to live music events, including small venues, clubs and concerts If you are interested in this type of activity, please add you name to this category and you will be notified when outings are planned. If you would like to suggest an outing, please contact Andi
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
54 Members
Each week we'll sketch for an hour or two. Come enjoy the company, the views, the creative inspiration. This is NOT a class! Just a small, informal get-together to have fun drawing. Please bring whatever you'd like to work with: pens, pencils, pastels, paper, sketchbook, iPad…. Please add your name, for more information. (Note: No Instruction. No Art Supplies provided)
Coordinator:  Carol Milano
77 Members
Looking for other people who may be interested in forming a photography group. If interested, please add your name and we will let you know when this group becomes active. If you are interested in restarting this group, please email
90 Members
We are a group of Pickleball players ranging from "never played" to pretty good! We use the "TeamReach" app to arrange play times and to exchange information on where to play, upcoming Pickleball clinics, etc. Please click on the "More Info" tab below to get answers to questions you might have about Pickleball.
Coordinator:  Rosemary Spano
27 Members
Yes, the game your dad used to play! If interested in learning, please sign up here to be added to the mailing list to be notified of classes. Currently we need someone to teach and a place to meet! Let me know if you can help!
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
19 Members
If you already know how to play and would like to get a regular game going, please sign up here. Currently we need a place to meet and we can get a game going! Let me know if you'd like to host.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
25 Members
Please check calendar or contact coordinator for more information
Coordinator:  NAME REMOVED
35 Members
Please add your name to this email list if you are interested in one-on-one lessons or if you are interested in joining a beginner poker group.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
66 Members
If you are concerned about aging in place in terms of making your home safe, having to move, having to find a new place to live, please add you name to this list. You will be notified as relevant activities are created.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
85 Members
To be on the Scrabble mailing list you should sign up here. To join us for our next game, please go to the Events Calendar, click on the next Scrabble Club date and sign in. Space may be limited. All Levels Welcome!!
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
72 Members
Please add your name to this mailing list to receive updates on this group. To register to attend Shakespeare group meetings, please register on the calendar.
149 Members
This is a get-together group to meet for a drink at one of the local bars. Adding your name to this email list means you will be notified first when these meet ups are scheduled.
Coordinator:  Joan Emerson
7 Members
Looking for people who share your love of strategic board games? What kinds of games are you interested in. CATAN, Codenames, Hearts, Abducktion or something else? Please let us know
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
188 Members
This is an a list for people interested in attending theater or opera productions. If you would like to organize an outing, please let us know. You will be notified when we have outings planned or tickets available
Coordinator: Phyllis A Sears
59 Members
We currently have a travel discussion groups for people who want to talk about the trips they have taken and/or discuss travel they want to do. Please add your name to this list if you are interested in joining us. Check the calendar for more information about our meetings
Coordinator:  Ann Marie Kamuf
55 Members
To be notified first when we schedule TRIVIA games, please add your name to this list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
185 Members
We currently have 2 walking groups. Please check calendar for information. Adding your name here does not register you for the walking group. This is an email list for announcements and updates If you would like to create a walking group for a different time/day, please notify
285 Members
If you would like advance notice of scheduled walking tours and/or guided tours in and around NYC, please click on the arrow to the right and add your name to our email list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
16 Members
This is a group for people with dogs who want to meet up and walk together. For information about meetings please contact Barb Rothbart at or add your name to this interest group
Coordinator:  Barb Rothbart
14 Members
We are hoping to schedule a group meet up in the spring of 2025 for widows and widowers. In person and social - not a grief group or support group. Add your name to be notified when more information is available.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
116 Members
Would you like to tap into the Brooklyn home brew culture and see what they are coming up with? Are you interested in wine tastings or local distilleries? Sign up here and lets discover what's brewing in Brooklyn! You will be notified as soon as events are scheduled. If you would like to organize an event, please let us know!

Activities - Not Active

These groups may have been active at some point or interest groups waiting for a coordinator. Please contact the Activities Coordinator if you want to help make these groups active.
7 Members
This is a group of people 85 and over who come together to discuss the unique issues of being in this age and coping with daily life. This group is currently on hiatus. If you are interested in being the coordinator for this group, please email andi.gnps@gmail. To be notified if and when this group resumes, please add your name to the email list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
3 Members
We are looking for people who would be interested in starting an astronomy club. Please add your name to this category and we will reach out as soon as we have enought people to start a group.
13 Members
Very "slo-mo, lo-impact" basketball group forming. No games...yet. Practice passing, dribbling, layups and shooting from the foul line. If you are interested, please click on the arrow to add your name to the email list.
Coordinator:  Ellen Fenton
40 Members
Looking for others to ride with! Lets form a GNPS riding group!
28 Members
Willing to share your dreams with others and find people to join you? Let's talk and see what happens. Add your name to the list and you will be notified when meetings are planned.
14 Members
Seeking other interested people who want to play chess. We currently have no in-person games scheduled, but if you are interested in playing or helping to organize games, please contact us.
21 Members
This group is currently not meeting but if you are interested in re-starting a group, please let us know.
Coordinator:  Linda S Nagel
3 Members
If you are interested in creating or joining a conversational language group, please contact the coordinator with what you are looking for and add you name to this list. Click on the arrow to the right
Coordinator:  Linda S Nagel
85 Members
Do you like to dance? We are looking for people who like to dance and we can form a group. We have the sound system and if you have the desire, we can find a space. Please click on the arrow to the right and add your name! If you would like to help organize something, please contact and let us know you can help organize something.
56 Members
We currently do not have any discussion groups on this topic. Please add your name if you want to be notified when a new group is scheduled. If you are interested in starting a group on this topic, please reach out to the person who's name appears below.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
35 Members
Good Neighbors of Park Slope is an active participant in several community fall prevention programs, and we sometimes reach out to our members for their stories. If you wouldn't mind being contacted, please add your name to this list.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
63 Members
What games would you like to play? Please contact us and let us know
103 Members
We start sitting in a chair. We incorporate gentle movements from Yoga, Tai-Chi, Alexander and Feldenkrais. We provide mats, blocks, straps and other props.
20 Members
We are looking for members who may be interested in golf outings. If you are interested in organizing golf outings for interested members, please contact us and we can help make it happen.
32 Members
If you are interested in hosting a game or giving lessons, please contact us. Otherwise please add your name to this group to be notified when a games are scheduled.
36 Members
We currently do not have anyone available to teach mah jong, but if you would be interested in offering lessons, please let us know.
130 Members
Low impact exercise classes aimed at seniors.
Coordinator:  Ann Marie Kamuf
27 Members
We welcome you to add your name to this list if you are interested in performing for or with other GNPS members. We currently do not have any in-person music groups, but hope to reactivate this group as soon as we find someone to help coordinate a group.
16 Members
We are trying to get a group together interested in playing together to learn from each other, etc. If you are interested in playing the ukulele, please let us know. Other groups will be created when we have interest and someone willing to coordinate.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
13 Members
The sign up for this program is closed. You can add your name and if it is reactivated, we will notify you.
64 Members
Please click on the arrow to add your name to be on the email list to be notified of when this group will meet. If you would like to lead a play reading, please contact us and we can schedule it. No experience necessary!
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
32 Members
For people interested in reading or listening to poetry. Please add your name here and we will notify you when we have something scheduled. If you are interested in organizing something, please let us know.
Coordinator:  David Sandgrund
97 Members
Wouldn't it be great to have monthly pot luck dinners? Members could sign up to bring a dish to share once a month, rotating meetings through members homes. Alternatively, or perhaps additionally, could be a cooking club, where members cook recipes from selected cookbooks and then share the results at a get together. Please add your name here be on the mailing list for more information or to hear first when dates are scheduled. If you would like to help organize something, please contact us.
71 Members
If you are interested in joining other single people to talk, share and laugh, please add your name to the email list by clicking on the arrow to the right. If you are intereted in helping to set up something, please contact
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
116 Members
If you are interested in taking Tai Chi classes, please add your name to this list to be notified when classes are scheduled.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
30 Members
This is a mailing list for people who may be interested in performing. See THEATER/OPERA Interest Group if you are interested in attending the theater with a group
167 Members
This is a group for people who love new experiences and want to travel, explore and share ideas. Experiences could be anything from visiting a restaurant in Queens to overnight stays outside the city, to weekends in Vermont or a trip to the south of France! Anything goes!
8 Members
Interested in trying to organize a volleyball game? We can try to organize one game and if it's successful can try to schedule more. Please add you name here.
59 Members
Groups are forming to share writings and possibly discuss. Sign up here and more information will be sent as groups form. Memoir writing. Short Stories, etc.
118 Members
Please add your name to this list and you will be notified when classes are scheduled. If you are qualified and would like to lead a class, please let us know.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz

Community Projects

70 Members
Sometimes we are asked to help or sponsor Bake Sales for events that GNPS supports. Please add your name here if we can contact you to bake when we are invited to help.
Coordinator: Andi Peretz
190 Members
We are seeking to build an email list of members who are volunteering or interested in volunteering. Sometimes we receive requests for volunteers to help on short term or long term basis. Sometimes we are looking for volunteers to help with Good Neighobrs. If you are interested in hearing about these opportunities, please add your name to this email list.
If you are having any difficulty using this site please call us at 917-947-9121
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