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For All Apt Dwellers: Intro to an Important Climate Law
About this event

NYC's Local Law 97 requires huge reductions in buildings' greenhouse gas emissions by 2030 and beyond. The new law will have a major impact on larger apartment buildings. The City, State, and ConEd are offering guidance and financial relief to help with the upgrades in insulation, HVAC systems, and energy conservation that many buildings are facing.
Has your board or management started addressing these goals? Do you know how it may impact you, and how you can help your building comply?
Our speaker, Peter Varsalona, will introduce us to the benefits and challenges of compliance with the law, and will take our questions. Peter is President of the Council of New York Cooperatives and Condominiums (CNYC) and a Principal at Rand Engineering and Architecture, DPC.
Buildings contribute two-thirds of greenhouse gas emissions in New York City. By helping to reduce these emissions where we live, we do our part to reduce our carbon footprint.
This presentation is hosted by the Climate Change Interest Group, as the main feature of our December monthly meeting.
This presentation is free and open to the public, but you must register to receive the zoom link.
Click here to download handouts:
CNYCPresentation for Good Neighbors of Park Slope - LL97 Guide to Compliance 2023.pdf
Local Law 147 of 2019.pdf
Local Law 97 of 2019.pdf
Event Contact(s)
Maggie Kogan
Bill Mills
Linda S Nagel
Becky Plattus
Registration Info
Registration is required
Cancellation Policy:
Please respect your host, as well as the other GNPS members who have registered, by cancelling your registration if your plans change and you cannot attend.
Thank you.
75 Total Slots
33 Available Slot(s)